

Proactive Health and Safety Solutions brings your organization expertise, and a comprehensive range of customized health, safety and environmental solutions. Whether your business needs an expert in Health and Safety to help your organization get up to speed in its regulatory compliance or whether your department needs systems and consultation during a transition, PHS Solutions has the solutions designed to meet your needs and generate results.

PHSS Vision

PHS Solutions has a Vision: All workplace parties in organizations should easily understand, accept and carry out their responsibilities related to managing health and safety. It’s not just good business sense- it’s good common sense.

PHSS Mission

Our mission is two fold: to enable organizations in proactively managing health and safety as part of their business management for the prevention of injury and illness and to demonstrate to organizations that managing health and safety is not only the right thing to do, but also creates a business advantage. Your business needs every edge in this tough economic environment and effective and efficient health and safety management will deliver it. Contact us today and make an appointment to speak with a representative.

About James Ebidia, President

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